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Power Slider & Product Videos

5.00 out of 5
(1 customer review)

Elegant, powerful, lightweight sliders and carousels for WordPress & WooCommerce.

Image and video slider plugin for woocommerce


Licences for this plugin need to be renewed each year

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SKU: PP-PSL-L01-R12 Category: Current: 1.8.0

About Power Slider

Power-up your WooCommerce single product page gallery with:

  • Clean/responsive sliders based on Glide JS
  • Image aspect-ratio correction
  • Add videos to your WooCommerce product galleries – host your product videos locally or on YouTube
  • Includes full VideoObject schema markup so your product pages score well with Google Video Search. This can give your products a huge SEO boost!
  • Resources are only embedded on pages that need them – we don’t stuff unnecessary JavaScript & CSS into every page of your site like other plugins
Power Slider settings page
WooCommerce product gallery slider options

Responsive Product Carousel

And there’s more…

  • Shortcodes let you add resource-efficient responsive sliders anywhere on your site
  • Sliders & carousels are fully customisable with your own PHP templates, WordPress filters
  • Integrates nicely with Tip Top Testimonials
  • Create responsive carousels and sliders for any post type, filtered by any taxonomy & term(s)

Product Gallery, Videos & SEO

The integration with the WooCommerce single product page lets you configure the main gallery area independently of the thumbnail slider. The default options should cover most requirements.

WooCommerce product gallery slider settings
Configure the WooCommerce single product page gallery

A useful option is to specify the aspect ratio of the images. This is great when a client has provided a series of product images that are a mixture of landscape and portrait formats.

Video Content

To add videos to your WooCommerce product galleries…

Make sure you enable Power Slider’s WooCommerce gallery integration in Settings > Power Slider. Make sure you enable Video Gallery Media and the Schema Object too.

Save those settings, then go to your Media Library and upload an image that represents the video you want to show – the video’s cover image. This can be a totally different aspect ratio to the actual video – you’ll probably want a square aspect ratio cover image for the gallery, even if the video is 16:9 widescreen.

General video product gallery options
WooCommerce product gallery video settings

Select your image in the Media Library and you’ll see some new settings on the side:

Video meda settings for product gallery images
Media settings to enable video gallery items

All three of these are needed in order to create the VideoObject schema that Google picks up. Make sure the date is in the correct format too.

Save the image, then edit your product and add the image to its product gallery as normal:

That’s it – view your product and you should see that the video is playable now.

Edit a WooCommerce product gallery
Add product gallery images & videos

Test the Structured Data / Schema

It’s a good idea to check that you’re happy with the schema that’s been embedded before Google (re)indexes the page.

Go to the Structured Data Validation Tool:

Enter your product’s URL and check that the VideoObject schema is picked up correctly

single product Video Object schema
VideoObject schema

Changelog: Power Slider

Version 1.8.0

Released: 2025-01-16

  • Added an ids="xx,yy,zz" parameter to the post carousel shortcode (and product carousel).
  • Added two new actions that fire at the top & bottom of the single product slider gallery in Woo (inside the containing div), "pwsl_inside_product_gallery_top" and "pwsl_inside_product_gallery_bottom"

Version 1.7.1

Released: 2024-08-21

  • Fixed an issue that presents itself when using product bundles, where the original WooCommerce product variation gallery JavaScript code was trying to replace the wrong variation image in the gallery. The Woo code is now totally bypassed when Power Slider is running the image gallery.

Version 1.7.0

Released: 2024-07-31

  • Added a new filter "pwsl_is_product_gallery_enabled" so you can enable/disable the product gallery slider on a per-product basis.

Older releases

  • Minor update for better compatibility with PHP 8.2
  • Updated Power Plugins core library

Minor new feature to automatically disable auto-play on sliders/carousels when the suer agent contains Googlebot, Bingbot or GTmetrix. This helps give a better real-world indication of page-load, because the page-speed analysis is not waiting for the first auto-play slide event.

  • Added a new filter so you can override/modify the product-level VideoObject structured data: "pwsl_product_video_schema_meta"
  • Updated the core Power Plugins support library (minor update)
  • Changed the CSS z-index Back/Next buttons from 100 to 98 so it plays well with the Astra theme's mega menu.
  • Updated the Power Plugins core library to 1.4.0
  • Updated core Power Plugins libs.
  • Fixed a typo on the settings page.

Added a couple of new action hooks that fire before and after the frontend Glide assets are enqueued.

Small fix to the WooCommerce product gallery integration. Better handling of when the customer goes from viewing a product variation, to viewing the product with no variation selected. We now default fall-back to the product's primary image properly.

Added a new options to the WooCommerce product gallery slider. When a user selects a product variation, you can now disable the auto-jump back to the updated variation image. Useful if your product variations don't have unique images.

Minor update to support the first public release on Power Plugins.

Minor fix to the video date field in the Media Library, to help people with the yyyy-mm-dd date format.

Added new option to force the aspect ratio in the WooCommerce product gallery sliders.

Fixed a warning in the PHP logs when using the testimonial carousel form Tip Top Testimonials.

Minor update to support the new updater

Added a new chunky play button to choose from for the video thumbnails on the WooCommerce gallery sliders.

Added the only_featured attribute to the power_product_carousel shortcode, e.g. "only_featured=true" will include only featured products in the WooCommerce product slider/carousel.

Fixed a bug that caused some variation images to come through incorrectly in the single product page carousels.

  • Added a new option to hide the product carousel if there's only one image/video in it.
  • Minor update.
  • Fixed a bug with VideoObject schema URLs for YouTube-hosted videos.
  • Position the overlay-play buttons in the corners of the WC product images, or in the centre. Independent positioning for each carousel.
  • Added media play buttons for video files.
  • Fixed a bug when trying to save media-level video meta data.
  • Added video schema to the single product page.
  • Added product gallery sliders to the WooCommerce single product page.
  • Added "count=X" parameter to the power_post_carousel shortcode so you can override the number of slides on a per-carousel basis.
  • Initial release via Power Plugins.

1 review for Power Slider & Product Videos

  1. Debbie
    5 out of 5


    This fantastic plug-in has dramatically improved our product pages. The plugin allows you to add Youtube, Vimeo, and self-hosted videos from within the slider. Furthermore, because of the VideoObject schema markup it’s made our videos appear next to our products in the Google search results = Win. Very happy.

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Image and video slider plugin for woocommerce
Power Slider & Product Videos