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Simple Socials

Easily add social media buttons so content, widgets and anywhere you want.

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SKU: PP-SMP-L01-R00 Category: Current: 1.2.4

About Simple Socials

Simple Socials is a social media networks widget that automatically uses your settings from existing plugins such as Yoast. Just set your main social media URLs in Yoast and Simple Socials will pick them up and show them on your site. You can also add your own networks and contact methods, such as a phone number, a link to your “contact us” page, or whatever you want.

If you don’t use Yoast, you can still use Simple Socials!

Simple Socials Widget
Simple Social Media Widgets

Changelog: Simple Socials

Version 1.2.4

Released: 2023-04-07

  • Added support for Trip Advisor. When adding a Trip Advisor to your Yoast settings, make sure to use a URL (i.e. not "" or other country-level URL).
  • Updated the Power Plugin core library.

Version 1.2.3

Released: 2022-08-24

Minor new addition so you can apply any horizontal flex justify (left/start, centre, space-between, etc) to the button-list widget.

Version 1.2.2

Released: 2022-07-25

Added support for Vimeo and TikTok. Just add your socials into Yoast's Socials as usual and Simple Socials will pick them up.

Older releases

Minor update to include the new update library.

  • Updated to handle the changes in version 18.9 of Yoast.
  • Added a proper Settings page to make it much easier to customise the plugin without having to hook everything in PHP.

Added the "networks" parameter to the all_social_buttons shortcode so you can specify a space-separated list of social network slugs. If omitted, it defaults to showing all socials (as it did before).

Added an option to the widget so you can specify the link target blank, top, etc... with rel="noopener".

Minor updates to the CSS.

Minor updates and fixes, and two new features to reduce the amount of custom CSS you need to write.

  • Updated the CSS so that social icons work better in the Astra primary menu (as a widget).
  • Added new "Shape" (round|square) option to the widget for button shape.
  • Added new "Spacing" to the widget to control the gap between the buttons.
  • Integrated newest version of Power Plugins updater.
  • Integration with Power Plugins updates.
  • Code refactoring and minor roll-up.
  • Stub
  • Add built-in support for showing a phone number.
  • Small adjustment to the CSS to better v-center FA large icons.
  • Add built-in support for showing default RSS2 feed icon.
  • Add a the social_isenabled$network action to easily disable a social with __return_false.
  • Made the require_once statements more robust in the plugin main file. Only really affects people who use wp-cli to interact with WordPress.
  • Switch between FontAwesome 4 and FontAwesome 5 with a filter.

Important FontAwesome doesn't ship with this plugin. It is assumed that your site already has FA4 or FA5 available.

  • Pick and choose which socials to show in individual widgets.
  • Added smps_get_social_url() to functions.php so you can grab social network
  • URLs from your own code.
  • Minor tweaks and revisions to support the documentation on Power Plugins.
  • Initial build.

Using Simple Socials

You can add social buttons to your site in two ways. Use the Widget to show lists of Socials in a widget area, or use the shortcodes to display individual socials inline in your content, like this Follow us on FacebookContact us by email, and like this:

Follow us on FacebookFollow us on Facebook Subscribe to our RSS2 feedSubscribe to our RSS2 feed

ImportantBecause most websites already have Font Awesome installed, Simple Socials dos not ship with any icons. If your site doesn’t already use Font Awesome, you’ll either need to add it, or supply your own icons.

The Socials Widget

The widget is easy to configure and works straight out of the box.

TitleThe title to show above the widget
Show the Title?An easy way to hide/show the widget
Show icons?Show the icons for the socials
Show labels?Show the labels for the socials
OrientationEither horizontal or vertical
SizeRegular or Large
ShapeRegular or Round
SpacingGap between the buttons
Link TargetNormal, or open in a new window/tab
Social NetworksChoose which socials to show in the widget
Options for the Simple Socials Widget
Simple Socials WIdget Settings
Simple Socials Widget Settings

Configuring the Socials in Code

Using the “email” network as an example, you can configure its properties with these filters:

// Set the URL for Email buttons.
function custom_social_url_email($url) {
    return site_url('contact');
add_filter('social_url_email', 'custom_social_url_email');

// Set the Tool Tip / Label for Email buttons.
function custom_social_text_email($url) {
    return 'Send us an email';
add_filter('social_text_email', 'custom_social_text_email');

// Set the Icon HTML for Email buttons.
function custom_social_icon_email($url) {
    // return '<i class="fa fa-envelope" aria-hidden="true"></i>'; // Font Awesome 4
    return '<i class="fas fa-envelope"></i>'; // Font Awesome 5
add_filter('social_icon_email', 'custom_social_icon_email');

Usually you’ll only want to change the URL, but any of the above properties will work for any social.

Built-in Social Networks

Although the Yoast socials are usually configured with Yoast itself, you can override them with the social_url_$network_slug filter even when Yoast isn’t installed.

SourceNetwork SlugNotes
Built-inemailA useful way of linking to your site’s main Contact/Email Use page.
YoastfacebookConfigure it in Yoast’s SEO/Socials area.
Built-ingooglesearchLink to your Google Search listing.
Built-ingooglemapsShare your site on Google Maps.
YoastinstagramConfigure it in Yoast’s SEO/Socials area.
YoastlinkedinConfigure it in Yoast’s SEO/Socials area.
Built-inphoneSet the URL to something like “tel:+44-1234-987654”.
YoastpinterestConfigure it in Yoast’s SEO/Socials area.
Built-inrss2Your WordPress site’s RSS2 feed.
YoasttripadvisorConfigure it in Yoast’s SEO/Socials area, using your tripadvisor “.com” URL (i.e. not “”, “.fr”, etc)
YoasttwitterConfigure it in Yoast’s SEO/Socials area.
YoastyoutubeConfigure it in Yoast’s SEO/Socials area.
Social Networks

Create a Custom Social

To create a custom social, you need to add two hooks in your code. One to add your social to the master list, and the other to provide the URL. In this example, we’ll create a custom social button for Weibo.

In your custom child theme, open functions.php and add the following code:

 * Add Weibo to the list of socials.
function smps_all_socials_custom(array $socials) {
    $socials['weibo'] = array(
        'text' => 'Connect on Weibo',
        'icon' => '<i class="fab fa-weibo"></i>',

    // You can add more socials here...
    // $socials['social-name'] = array(
    //     'text' => 'Tool Tip / Button text',
    //     'icon' => '<i class="fas fa-question"></i>',
    // );

    return $socials;
add_filter('all_socials', 'smps_all_socials_custom');

 * Set the URL for the Weibo social.
function smps_social_url_weibo($url) {
    return '';
add_filter('social_url_weibo', 'smps_social_url_weibo');

Then all you need to do is add a splash of colour. Open your custom child theme’s style.css, add the following:

 * Set the background colour for Weibo social buttons.
.smps-network-weibo {
    background-color: #d1570e;

Action & Filter Hooks

Filters you can hook in Simple Socials

$all_social_metasReturns a list of all social network metas in an array, whether they social networks are configured, or not.
$configured_socialsLike the all_socials filter, but it only returns socials network metas that have been configured, which means that each social network meta has a value in its “url” key.
$labelText used when a social button has its label showing. Also used for screen readers.
$htmlHTML for the social network icon. By default, this is a FontAwesome 5 icon,.
Return the URL for the for the social media network specified in $network. If the network is not configured, return null/empty.
As above, but with the social media network passed in the filter name instead of as a parameter to the filter.
Simple Socials : WordPress filter hooks

Custom Styling & Icons

By default, Simple Socials uses Font Awesome 5 to draw its icons, but you can change this and override colours, size and layout too.

ImportantBecause most websites already have Font Awesome installed, Simple Socials dos not ship with any icons. If your site doesn’t already use Font Awesome, you’ll either need to add it, or supply your own icons.

Styling the Layout

Example CSS snippets.

 * Change the colour of the email button
.smps-network-email {
    background-color: blue;

 * For the Socials widget in the site footer, put a gap of 1em
 * between each button and make the buttons round.
footer .smps-socials ul {
    gap: 1em;

footer .smps-social-btn {
    border-radius: 50%;

 * Change the large size so the icons aren't not quite-so-big.
.smps-socials.large .smps-social-btn {
    font-size: 14pt;

Changing the Icons

Font Awesome 4 & 5

By default, Simple Socials outputs icon HTML snippets for Font Awesome 5. Use the smps_font_awesome_major_version filter to change which version of Font Awesome to use.

// Tell Simple Socials to output icon HTML form FA 4.7
add_filter('smps_font_awesome_major_version', function () {
    return 4;

Custom Icons

You can change individual social button icons like this:

// Set a custom icon for the Email button.
function custom_social_icon_email($url) {
    // Get the base URL of our custom child theme.
    $base_uri = get_stylesheet_directory_uri();

    $icon_url = sprintf('<img src="%s" />', esc_url($base_uri . '/email.png'));

    return $icon_url;
add_filter('social_icon_email', 'custom_social_icon_email');

…or you could set all the icons in a single filter, like this:

// Override some social icons.
function custom_all_socials(array $socials) {
    // Get the base URL of our custom child theme.
    $base_uri = get_stylesheet_directory_uri();

    $socials['phone']['icon'] =
        sprintf('<img src="%s" />', esc_url($base_uri . '/phone.png'));

    $socials['email']['icon'] =
        sprintf('<img src="%s" />', esc_url($base_uri . '/email.png'));

    $socials['facebook']['icon'] =
        sprintf('<img src="%s" />', esc_url($base_uri . '/facebook.png'));

    return $socials;
add_filter('all_socials', 'custom_all_socials');

Social Media Button Shortcodes

Simple Socials comes with a couple of shortcodes so you can sprinkle social media buttons around your site, in the content or in sidebars.

Shortcode: social_button

Add inline social media buttons to your content with a shortcode:

Social media button shortcode
Social media button shortcode
string : slug
The slug of the (social) network to show, e.g. “facebook”, “email” or “youtube”.
bool : default=true
Show the network’s icon?
bool : default=false
Show the network’s label?
Parameters for the social_button network

Shortcode: all_social_buttons

Add a group of social media buttons as a shortcode:

string : slug
A space-separated list of the socials you want to show. If left empty, all configured networks will be shown. Example, “facebook twitter email”
bool : default=true
Show the network’s icon?
bool : default=false
Show the network’s label?
string : default=”regular”
Valid values are “regular” or “large”.
string : default=”vertical”
Valid values are “vertical” or “horizontal”.
A space-separated list of CSS classes.
Parameters for the all_social_buttons network


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