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Ipsum Text Generator

A free developer tool for creating gobbledygook placeholder copy for your projects. There's an API for it too.

Jump to the Ipsum API docs

Ipsum Browser Extension

Get the Flipsum Ipsum Firefox Add-on
Get the Flipsum Ipsum Chrome Add-on

-- Choose your Ipsum --

Cursive script
Classic Lorem Ipsum
Corporate ipsum
Star Trek Ipsum
Star Trek
Fairy Tale
Fairy Tale
Groovy car
Coffee shop
Coffee Shop
Pop concert
Song Lyrics
Cooking recipe ipsum
Two friends
Cannonball Run
Cannonball Run
Withnail and I
Withnail & I
Kid asking a question
Kids Questions
Clapper Board
Movie Quotes
Naked Gun
Naked Gun
Simpsons doughnuts
The beach

Ipsum API documentation

Use the ever-faithful Curl, or the trendy upstart HTTPie, to generate ipsum copy straight from the command-line. If you want to use these Ipsums in your WordPress project, here’s a tutorial on how to consume a REST API in WordPress.

The URL for our REST API:

JavaScript package:

npm i @headwall/flipsum-ipsum

ImportantIf we detect too many API calls coming from you in a short space of time, you’ll receive a HTTP 429 (too many requests) and a null body as the response.

Some example API calls

#! /bin/sh

# If you're using a Mac, just use curl to fetch and "python3 -m json.tool"
# to format the response.
curl -s "" | python3 -m json.tool
curl -s "" | python3 -m json.tool

# Using Ubuntu/Debian, grab HTTPie and jq first, unless you want to use curl.
sudo apt install httpie jq

# then list all the ipsums...
https | jq .

# and grab some gobbledygook (by referencing the ipsum's "slug")...
https | jq .

# More examples...

# Use HTTPie to fetch a specific ipsum, and jq to format the response.
https GET paragraphs=9 | jq .

# jq can also format a HTML response.
https GET html=1 | jq --raw-output .

# Use curl to fetch a specific ipsum, and jq to format it.
curl -s | jq . 

# Fetch 10 paragraphs without the fixed/suggested opening sentence.
curl -s "" | jq .

# These two calls are equivalent.
https GET paragraphs=10 start_with_fixed=0 | jq .
https "" | jq .

Endpoints & parameters

Endpoint: /ipsum

List all the ipsums as short arrays collections of meta data in an array.

# Use HTTPie to grab all ipsum generators

You can use an ipsum’s “slug” field to uniquely reference the ipsum.

      "home-url": "",
      "long-name": "Classic Ipsum",
      "name": "Classic Lorem Ipsum",
      "slug": "lorem-ipsum",
      "suggested-button-text": "Make Some Ipsum",
      "suggested-first-sentence": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
      "home-url": "",
      "long-name": "Corporate BS",
      "name": "Corporate",
      "slug": "corporate",
      "suggested-button-text": "Leverage Vertical Ipsums",
      "suggested-first-sentence": "Lorem ipsum dolor leverage vertical sit amet"
   // ... SNIP ...

Endpoint: /ipsum/:slug

Generate some random ipsum, with a default query args. Returns an array of 3 paragraphs. If the Ipsum’s slug is not found, it returns a 404 HTTP Response.

positive integer
How may paragraphs of gobbledygook do you want.
bool (1 or 0)
If the ipsum dictionary comes with an optional suggested opening sentence, then you can choose to use it here by specifying a value of 1 (one). If you don’t specify one or zero then the server may or may not include the suggested opening sentence, depending on how the ipsum generator has been configured.
bool (1 or 0)
Return the gobbledygook as a pre-formatted HTML string instead of an array of JSON strings.
API request parameters for the /ipsum/:slug endpoint